Wednesday 6 March 2013

Team mate!!!!!


Banyak pulak la nak ckap harini my team mate yg paling rapat dengan diriku...maybe sbb faktor usia jgak kot, xpun sbb faktor status...pun bole la kan...hi hah YONG!!!!

Yong and fiza.....
secret recepi.....
vendor belanja!!!!!

muka cover2 nak senyum sbb takot nmpak besi2 di gigi tu....hehe...kalau angin dengan requestor yong la tmpat ngadu2....yong pun sama....biasa la kteorg hanyalah pekerja gred 8 (gred 8???? apakah???)...

since one of my tech off for 3 days starting today then i have to complete his job in order to meet customer demand. oooooohhh so tired, doing the job that not belong to me makes alot of confius.which data should i include in report?? which sample should i analyze??? where is the location of defect????? confius confius confius.......last2 bedal ja buat report camna pun....menjwap la nnti dgn requestor kalau diorh x puas hati....aduhhhhh!!!!!

wlau mcm mane pun still enjoy being one of the member of FA. teammates yg sgt2 best!!!!! serius........cuma nak melayan requestor mmg part yg x best...paling teruk pernah dimalukan kot oleh requestor niii....terus xmau buat job dia smpai bila....teammates pun xbg dah buat job dia...biarkan....ok penat!!!!!"

akhir kata........mantapkan iman...lebihkan senyuman andd redha dhn ketentuan.....


1 comment:

  1. samalah kita cik pizah..sekarang ni kena takeover keje sorang engineer tu sbb die nk berhenti..huhh..pening nk belajar yg sethun lebih punyer keja dalm sebulan...
